Why do I need an asbestos inspection?
An asbestos inspection is required for many different reasons and in many different circumstances. For workplaces, an asbestos inspection should be conducted to ensure that your workplace is in compliance with New South Wales SafeWork regulations. The inspection will help to identify any asbestos present which will then determine whether an asbestos register and asbestos management plan is required.
Before any demolition work takes place, whether on a commercial or residential property, an asbestos inspection should be conducted, so as to avoid any accidental exposure.
An inspection should also be considered for any property where maintenance or renovations will be occurring if the property was built prior to December 31st, 2003. Asbestos use was banned in Australia on that date.
Ensuring you are managing the risks of asbestos exposure for anyone who may enter a property is extremely important as asbestos exposure can have significant health consequences.