Where can asbestos be present?
Asbestos can be found in homes, commercial buildings and industrial premises in a wide variety of places. It can be found in the interior and exterior area of these structures, as well as even be found to be present in soil.
The following materials are some of the most common building products that contain asbestos materials:
- Asbestos Cement Sheeting/ Fibro Board
- Vinyl Floor Covers
- Electrical Boxes
- Asbestos Corrugated Roofs
- Fireplaces
- Heating Systems & Flues
- Old Boilers/ Water Heating Systems
- Window Putty
- Popcorn Ceilings
- Insulation
- Asbestos Roof tiles, Felt and Shingles
Some of the areas of a home or building where asbestos or these materials may be found include:
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Laundry
- Living room
- Garden Sheds
- Electrical Boxes.
These are not the only materials or areas where asbestos may be found, which is why it’s important to have an asbestos inspection performed on the premises.