Can We Have Asbestos Testing for an Entire Workplace?
If you own, manage or lease a workplace in Melbourne or Victoria, there are laws and regulations that require you to have the workplace tested for asbestos. A larger-scale test such as this is called an asbestos survey and the resulting document is called an asbestos register. This document is legally required to be on-site at every place of work. There are many workplaces that do not have this document in place and whose managers are unaware of the legal requirement. There are hefty fines for non-compliance from Work Safe Victoria, make sure you have this document in place and updated every 5 years.
Greenlight is a trusted provider of asbestos registers for workplaces throughout Victoria. Our clients consist of businesses of all shapes and sizes from industrial warehouses, to school campuses down to individual shops. We can have your essential asbestos compliance documents ready within a week.
It is important not to engage an asbestos removalist or a generalist building inspection company to do these works due to their conflict of interest, lack of training and credentials and poor-quality reporting. Make sure your workplace compliance documents are prepared by a qualified occupational hygiene company such as Greenlight.