Asbestos Containing Materials
Fibre Cement Sheeting
Also known as:
Fibro, Fibro Sheeting, Asbestos Cement Sheet, AC Sheet
What is it?
Fibro, Fibro Sheeting, Asbestos Cement Sheet, AC Sheet
Product Classification:
How it was used?
The asbestos fibres mixed with the cement made fibre cement sheeting durable and heat and water resistant. This made its usage popular throughout the home both internally and externally. It could be used as external cladding, ceiling panels, and internal and external walls.

Risk of asbestos exposure?
Fibre cement sheets are non-friable, and if undisturbed, less prone to releasing asbestos fibres. Asbestos fibres can be disturbed through actions such as cutting, drilling, water-blasting, sanding and more.
Where was it most commonly used?
Fibre Cement Sheeting was used in both the construction of residential homes and commercial buildings. Some of the most common places it can be found include:





Power Boxes

External Cladding



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